Kas Pathar FAQs

What is the best time to visit Kaas Pathar?

The best time to visit Kaas Pathar is from August to October, during the monsoon season. This is when the plateau is covered in a riot of wildflowers, including orchids, lilies, and rhododendrons. The weather is also pleasant during this time, with cool temperatures and moderate rainfall.

Here are some of the things you can do in Kaas Pathar:-
• Take a walk through the flower meadows and admire the beauty of the wildflowers.
• Visit the Yavteshwar Temple, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva.
• Go for a kaas lake and enjoy the scenic views.
• Visit the near by waterfall like Ekiv Waterfall and Vajrai Waterfall.

What is Kas Pathar famous for?

Kas Pathar is famous for its overwhelming carpets of flowers which come alive by the fag end of the monsoons. It is Known as the 'Plateau of a Million Flowers' and declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Here are some of the things that Kas Pathar is famous for:-
• The flowers: Kas Pathar is home to a wide variety of flowers, including orchids, lilies, rhododendrons, and many others. The best time to see the flowers is during the monsoon season, from August to October.
• The wildlife: Kas Pathar is also home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, monkeys, birds, and butterflies.
• The scenery: Kas Pathar is located in the Western Ghats, and the scenery is stunning. The plateau is surrounded by hills and forests, and there are several lakes and waterfalls.
• The culture: Kas Pathar is located in the state of Maharashtra, India, and the local culture is rich and vibrant. There are several temples and shrines on the plateau, and the people are friendly and welcoming.

What is the entry fee for the Kaas Pathar?

The entry fee for the Kaas Pathar is Rs. 100/- per person for three hours on Saturdays, Sundays, and government holidays. On other days, Rs. 50/-per person for 3 hours. There is no entry fee for children below 5 years of age.

Which things you need to carry with you when you visit the Kaas Pathar?

• ID proof
• Rain gear
• Comfortable shoes
• Sunscreen
• Insect repellent
• Water bottle
• Snacks

How to book kaas pathar tickets online?

You can book your tickets online through the official website of the Kaas Pathar. The website is https://kas.ind.in/booking.php. You can also book your tickets at the ticket counter at the entrance of the Kaas Pathar.