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Shembdi Math

Exploring Shembdi Math near Kas Pathar, Tapola

Situated on the banks of the Shivsagar reservoir in the picturesque village of Shembdi in the Satara district of Maharashtra, Shembdi Math is a spiritual ashram dedicated to the worship of Lord Dutta.

Shembdi Math
Shembdi Math Entrance

This math was founded by Vishwachaitanya Sadguru Shri Narayan Maharaj or Anna Maharaj also known as Narayan Maharaj Math. Shri Narayan Maharaj also called this place Shri Kshetra Narayanpur Vinayakanagar.

Shembdi Math
Shembdi Math

Datta Temple at Shembdi Math is a revered pilgrimage site, where devotees come to seek blessings from the god. The math also has a magnificent idol of Ganesha installed by Shri Anna Maharaj.

Shembdi Math Vinayak nagar ganesh
Shembdi Math Vinak nagar Ganesh

There is a pindi of Lord Shiva in the cave of Shembdi Math. The purpose of placing the pindi in the cave is so that the person coming for darshan can humbly receive darshan and bow out. On the upper part, the right anatomy statue of Lord Ganesha is installed along with Shivlinga.

Triveni Sangam

The three rivers Koyna, Solshi, and Kandati meet in front of the monastery. Popularly known as Triveni Sangam, this h The meeting point of these three rivers is not just a geographical marvel but also a symbol of unity and harmony. It is believed that taking a dip at Triveni Sangam cleanses one’s sins and bestows blessings upon them.

For nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike, Triveni Sangam offers an opportunity to witness the convergence of diverse ecosystems. The blend of different currents creates unique patterns on the water’s surface that are truly awe-inspiring.

Whether you seek spiritual solace or simply want to immerse yourself in nature’s beauty, visiting Triveni Sangam is an experience like no other. The sight of these three rivers uniting is not only visually captivating but also serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness with nature. only place is revered by pilgrims from across the country.

Kas Pathar distance from Shembdi Math 

Shembdi is 34 km from Kas Pathar. Kas Pathar, also known as the Valley of Flowers in Maharashtra. Nestled in the heart of the Western Ghats, Kas Pathar popularly known as Kaas Plateau is a mesmerizing natural wonder that attracts nature lovers and tourists.

Shembdi Math and Kas Pathar Flower Valley
Kas Pathar Flower Valley

   This picturesque destination in Maharashtra is famous for its colourful carpet of flowers that bloom during the monsoon season. The plateau is transformed into a kaleidoscope of colour, with more than 1500 species of flowering plants, some of which are endemic to the region. From delicate orchids to vibrant wildflowers, Kaspartar presents stunning views that leave visitors in awe.

Vasota Fort

The area has a rich historical heritage and is famous for the footprints of royalty as the Vasota Fort is not far from the Shembdi Math.

Shembdi Math and VasotFort
Vasota Fort

Vasota Fort, also known as Vyaghragad, is an ancient hill fort in Satara district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is known for its historical significance, beautiful scenery, and challenging hikes.

It was built between 1178 and 1193 AD by King Bhojraj II of the Shilhara dynasty.

It was conquered by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in 1655 AD and renamed Vyagragad (meaning Tiger Fort).

It played a vital role in the Maratha campaigns against the Mughals and Adilshahi dynasty.

In 1818, it was bombed by the British, causing heavy damage.

Location and accessibility of Shembdi Math  :

It is located at an altitude of 1171 meters, about 43 kilometres from Satara and 8 kilometres from Bamnoli village.

It is reached via a 4-5 km hike through dense forests and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and Shivsagar Lake.

Moderate to difficult hike that requires good stamina and good shoes.

Attractions in Shembdi Math, Vinayaknager

Vasota Fort:

Not far from Shembdi Math is the historic Vasota Fort. From the fort, we had a beautiful and impressive view of the surroundings. By visiting the fort, you can learn more about the rich history of this impregnable fortress and explore its ancient ruins.

Shivsagar Reservoir:

Boat tours of Shivsagar Reservoir are a popular activity and offer panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Visitors can fish and swim in the reservoir with caution.

Trekking and Camping:

The hills and forests surrounding Shembdi Math provide ample opportunities for trekking and camping. You can also admire the area’s beauty and explore its rich flora and fauna.

How to Get to Shembdi Math

Shembdi Math is 43 km from Satara Town. The nearest ST bus station is at Bamanoli village, 8 km from Shembdi. Alternatively, you need to first reach Bamanoli village to visit Shembdi Math. Visitors can reach Shembdi Math from Bamnoli on foot or by boat, better if you have your private car.

There are a few hotels now available around the village of Shembdi or Shembdi Math for tourism.


A Must-Visit Destination Overall, Shembdi Math is a holy and panoramic tourist attraction. The unique experience for nature lovers, the true rural experience, and the warm hospitality of the friendly people are sure to make you unforgettable

what is the purpose of placing the pindi in the cave?

The purpose of placing the pindi in the cave is so that the person coming for darshan can humbly receive darshan and bow out.

Which river meets at Triveni sangam

The three rivers Koyna, Solshi, and Kandati meet in front of the monastery. Popularly known as Triveni Sangam

What is the distance between Kaas Pathar and Shembdi Math?

The distance between Kaas Pathar and Shembdi Math is 34km

What is Vasota Fort famous for?

Vasota Fort famous for Trekking and Camping

How to get Shembadi Math

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